An adventure in the endlessly stunning confluence of mountains, glaciers and rivers that somehow exists between the mighty Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Time with my sister and friends anew and old were made unforgettable by the sheer beauty and wildness of this place. The desire to come here was one that ran deep inside of me and it is one of the few places I have been that has truly shifted the way I feel about the Earth. With such power and grace, this landscape renewed the drive in me to figure out better ways for us to live in our cities so we can preserve everything that Patagonia is and stands for.

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.”
– John Muir


Fitz Roy.

Perhaps the most mesmerizing range I have ever laid my eyes on. I got to go up twice with vastly different experiences of conditions, highlighting just how wild this place truly is.


Costa Rica