Watching the days fade in a locked down London.

Characteristic of the times, this project commenced while on a video call with some friends during the first Covid lockdown. In discussing the weight of the times and how unprecedented the experience was, we shared how we wanted to capture the lived experience and it just so happened I was on one of my first sunset strolls to Millennium Bridge. The rest is below…


Sunsets give me time and act as an invitation to introspection, I cannot recall watching a sunset and not going inward in some way.

30 March 2020

Creativity always starts with an intention, shortly followed by direct action. Move quickly into the void.

31 March 2020


The only fools are those who stop exploring, keep your eyes open as abundance abounds and you’ll always get just what you need if you are open to it.

1 April 2020


Being creative feels more and more like a calling, enough being shackled by false financial security or fear of failure.

2 April 2020


Ideas need time and space to incubate, then some excitement with/alongside others to spring into reality.

3 April 2020


Making things new again by shifting your thoughts is very powerful — and skateboarding is flowy fun.

4 April 2020


Those things that are most unknowable are utterly beautiful — crying shows me that in all ways.

5 April 2020


Getting the blood to flow is always the way to go!

6 April 2020


Don’t forget to look all around you, things of beauty hide in plain sight.

7 April 2020


Nervousness about preparation and performance can only be overcome through action.

8 April 2020


Lacking confidence is an issue that is birthed inside my head and is only experienced inside my head.

9 April 2020


Changing medium — especially in material form — always brings new things to light when thinking through problems.

10 April 2020


Walking with no destination in mind is one of the best medicines available.

11 April 2020


Once made, love is never lost.

12 April 2020


Accomplishing things on the computer just doesn’t feel anything like accomplishing something in person.

13 April 2020


There is always joy on the other side of pain — trust the process and stay the course.

14 April 2020


You know all you need, just stay aware to your truest self and all will flow with ease.

15 April 2020


Making things with my hands is always the most gratifying work.

16 April 2020


We must heed the advice of those who dedicate themselves to our growth as a species and long term thinking must take priority.

17 April 2020

I’ll happily break the rules for some blissful human contact while otherwise remaining responsible.

18 April 2020


A long walk in nice weather is always just what you need.

19 April 2020


Drop attachment — to things, to people — be happy alone watching the day fade with good tunes, there is nothing like it.

20 April 2020


You must have the appropriate position and momentum to catch and subsequently ride any wave — action is rewarded.

21 April 2020


Working with your hands, body and mind is by far the most rewarding work I have ever known, must integrate more into what I do daily for “work”.

22 April 2020


Friendship that flows freely and leads to smiles and laughter is one of the truest gifts of life.

23 April 2020


Friendship is priceless — on wheels, with beers in a park, online sharing music and life stories — and I will never take it for granted.

24 April 2020


Intimacy is unparalleled.

25 April 2020


Biking around an empty city is wonderful and disheartening all at once — Soho silence was eerie.

26 April 2020

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Awareness is the key to turning the tide quickly from self doubt to self love.

27 April 2020


Even when its cold and grey, get the fuck outside and play.

28 April 2020


Stay the course and seek different perspectives, you never know where the key insight or release will come from and if you think you do, you’re even more blind than you think.

29 April 2020


Sharing slowly is just so much more rich and beautiful than anything else — nature, food, music, conversation, each other.

30 April 2020


Balance is an active pursuit and I fucking love the dance!

1 May 2020


Every single day is a gift and it is wholly up to me what I wanna get out of it…time to laugh!!!

2 May 2020


Everything we could ever need is right here within and directly around us — don’t let excuses stop exploration ever.

3 May 2020


No plan is a plan and while it may not result in some optimized outcome, it is a wholly valid way to live and take your days.

4 May 2020


Creating things always makes me feel amazing — why don’t I dedicate more time and energy to this?

5 May 2020


Fasting gave me back the space I needed, I feel more whole and truly me today than I have in quite some time.

6 May 2020


Listening to my body and responding to/giving it what it needs is paramount — take good care!

7 May 2020


Taking life slow and as it comes is a true gift.

8 May 2020


There are surprises and gifts everywhere — you’ve simply got to look.

9 May 2020

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Family love is the best love — my mom is a rock star and making her cry and laugh today was a gift.

10 May 2020


Today was like popcorn, bouncing all over the place; I got tired and needed a nap — I need to fix my sleep schedule.

11 May 2020


Thinking about a job again feels a bit like shackles but also nice and stable.

12 May 2020


Its best to be productive in your own time and be ok with how things flow out of you.

13 May 2020


Freedom of mind is a very special space to occupy — use it!

14 May 2020


Self-limiting beliefs are silly — abundance rules (and so do hammocks).

15 May 2020


Communing with the dead and confronting mortality is important time to spend with yourself.

16 May 2020


Problems only become what your attitude allows them to be.

17 May 2020


Stretching in every way always leaves me feeling fresh — my body, my senses, my awareness.

18 May 2020


Doing things early is usually best, but everything in its own time.

19 May 2020


Trees, hammocks, music and lovely people are all one needs.

20 May 2020


Go there — you’ll never know til you go.

21 May 2020


There are few feelings better than a deep several hour conversation with someone you really care about — intimacy at its finest.

22 May 2020


Sharing a bottle of wine with someone you care about and diving in is divine — especially in apocalyptic central London.

23 May 2020


Talking to strangers is always pleasant.

24 May 2020


A big day out — getting out in nature and being flexible is always the path to a perfect day.

25 May 2020


After an epic day there is always a comedown, but the sunset kept me in it today.

26 May 2020


Staying close to those I care about is always my priority — I love my people.

27 May 2020


When feeling down, I know what to do to make myself feel better but at times isn’t it just about feeling those feelings and letting them be?

28 May 2020

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Early active starts always lead to great days, especially when watered with friends.

29 May 2020


Mellow nights with outdoor meals at home with people you care about are all that matter.

30 May 2020

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Maintenance in a regular interval, checking in and correcting, is the best way to stay the course.

31 May 2020


Food is a gift and needs to be better appreciated and valued.

1 June 2020


Trust and respect are the ultimate aims amongst friends — get there and stay true.

2 June 2020


Emotions are simply energy in motion and there is so much we can do to engage and shift our experience of that energy.

3 June 2020


The food on my plate is both a miracle of life and a gift from death — respecting that cycle is important to me.

4 June 2020


Step by step, taking things slow and enjoying life moment by moment.

5 June 2020


I cant breathe, your complacency is killing me — day at the BLM protest and taking thought into action.

6 June 2020

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Presentation influences flavor in everything from food to style and the vibe of your life; make it your own.

7 June 2020

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Keeping things clean and organized gives me peace and eases my mind.

8 June 2020

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It’s very easy to get stuck inside these days, breaking out is always refreshing and very necessary — especially with friends!

9 June 2020


Lowkey days with grey weather deter people from being outside, making it the perfect time to do just that!

10 June 2020

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Celebrating friendship is joyous and warming, showing your love explicitly to those that matter most is simply the best.

11 June 2020

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A simple dinner with friends, free flowing convo and some laughs are all that’s needed.

12 June 2020

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Coronavirus has brought up some flaws in how we communicate and I think the relative shifts are all very positive — more transparency always.

13 June 2020


Do what you feel, it will always lead to better engagement and authentic feelings of goodness.

14 June 2020


Days to myself to re-calibrate and get organized are wonderful and must be had.

15 June 2020


Properly socializing with friends into the wee hours of the morning, followed by empty streets and river mellowness are always just what the doctor ordered.

16 June 2020


When something you expected doesn’t work out don’t get upset, find an equally wonderful alternative — stay curious.

17 June 2020


It’s so simple to reframe your thoughts — simply move, change environment — sometimes you need it, sometimes you don't, but it’s always possible.

18 June 2020


Get outside and see people, moving and talking leads to unexpected wonderful surprises.

19 June 2020


Summertime and the livin’s easy — enjoying the hammock, the sun and wonderful company.

20 June 2020


Anxiety is born out of inaction and/or lack of perceived control, it’s all in our head and nowhere else.

21 June 2020

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More people are out, I fear the snap back to “normal” will be bad and sad for the world, the only hope is in deep personal changes made through conversations to highlight our blind spots.

22 June 2020

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It’s ok to be down, feel it, accept it and keep moving.

23 June 2020

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A little organization, action, friend and nature time go a very long way to making the magic.

24 June 2020


Be a good friend and spread it around, doing what you say in the first instance is always good.

25 June 2020

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Just be — staying present and taking it easy is all that is needed in life.

26 June 2020


Glasto vibes were felt with the crew — music, laughs, dancing and antics abound.

27 June 2020


Relax and recover as the rain and thunder roars, watching sunrise is always worth it.

28 June 2020


Untold treasures are littered everywhere — tonight the newly discovered Jackson Browne tracks were amazing and helping another human helped renew my perspective.

29 June 2020


Half the year down and so many changes to life — who knows where we are headed, just need to enjoy the ride and dance.

30 June 2020


Feeling a turn in my internal tide to get back to living a more structured and intentional life.

1 July 2020

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The progress of life and relationships are so fun — wonderful eve talking business and life with friends.

2 July 2020


Wonderful morning bike ride and business potential followed by a wall of screen time calls — it is life and brain melting being at a computer for so long.

3 July 2020


A day of life re-opening…first restaurant meal and meeting friends before even more fun at home.

4 July 2020


Songs From A Tree


Costa Rica